Friday, July 16, 2010


As try as I might I have not been able to think of something to write about for my blog for the last couple of days as I have been doing nothing but vague designing and coding my project group's page. So determined to have something to write about today I have decided on a random topic: Karma.

For those that don't know (and I assume everyone would, but anyway), karma is the idea that bad things will eventually bite you on the ass. Some people view it as a direct payback (Cut off someone in traffic and you will get in turn cut off), some wiccans see it as the rule of three (any energy or thought, whether positive or negative, will return to them three times over) but regardless the general idea it is a commonly held idea one of payback. Some people turn up their nose at the idea saying "But that's just superstition!" but the version of it I'd like to talk about today is a simple one which I will attempt to present logically.

My version of Karma relies mainly on happiness. You see in my everyday life I try my best to be happy, smile and treat people with kindness and respect. In everyday life you tend to bump into the same people everyday, whether they be the people who serve you coffee everyday or people who tend to catch the same train at the same time as you. If you always smile and offer them your seat if it looks like they need it they will be happier. If they are happier they will tend to treat others better reguardless of nature. Eventually this will come back to you in the simple form or someone smiling at your or offering you their seat.

It's the basic principle of 'treat others how you yourself would like to be treated' and I think it's a very important one to live by. It's a really simple concept, a logical one at that, that is based off cause and effect. So please in the future be nice to everyone around you, it means everyone else will be nice to you. And no one likes a dickhead =P

On a different note I'd like to add that I in a slightly more superstitious way believe that it will truly return to the person who deserves it =) Just saying!

- Fae

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