Thursday, September 30, 2010

What?! Two posts in a day?

As promised here's some nice shots of the place I am internshiping at.  Ok I lied they aren't nice, I in fact took them using the 1.3 mp web cam on my laptop

This is what the building looks like from the outside.  I know, pretty damn sweet.  The cars serve as a good reference to how god damn tall those front doors are.

This is the view in from the front doors to the art space that they always have open.  At the moment it's some artist who plays around with aerial shots.

When those big double doors are not open this is the way you get in, a tiny tiny door at the front.

Here is the rear of that door with a fire hydrant for size reference.  You may not be able to see but there medieval brackets for a large wooden beam to rest on to lock the doors at night.

Just a quick shot of the art room.

The work area upstairs! Those macs you can see might as well be from the pre war era.  They are so old

This last shot is so you can see those kick ass chains hanging from the wall in the background.  They hang off the beam on the ceiling and I assume they were used for hauling heavy things around the substation.

See I told you I would post pictures =P

Actually doing work

Yes the title is the truth, it does not lie!  As I write this I am actually engaged in work.  When I say work, I do not mean for myself or for university (although it does count towards my courses and it has been organised by uni).  I am in fact at my internship and have a short period of time to right this as I am way ahead of the work they assign me.  I know, it's amazing.

I'm stationed in an old electrical substation in Paddington (a trendy suburb north of the city in Brisbane).  The company I am working for is called Artworker's Alliance and they arrange artistic ventures in Brisbane from workshops to exhibitions.   This is an amazing opportunity for me as the two places I wanted to work were in gaming multimedia or local art community and I'm surprised to reach either of those fields so quickly.  The substation itself is amazing and when I get home I will post some pictures of how pretty it is.

The work itself is interesting, although it wears me out so so quickly.  Their website has been built from four seperate developer's ideas and is split between CSS, HTML, SQL and some file formate called TPL which I have never seen before (but seems to contain php code).  In order to actually search the website's code in order to change things I had learn some new techniques such as using a program called Agent Ransack.  This Agent is my best friend with the ability to search the code of any file from .exe to .jpg.  I have to thank him for being so wonderful.

The actual website I am working on is here and that text down in the footer that has the address? That took me four hours to find in their database.  I almost fell asleep while doing that, but it was still worth it.

In other news tomorrow I begin my work in the 48 hours game making competition.  I am intending to keep at least a vague blog up as I work at Anger Issues Interactive but who knows how it will pan out.  To be honest I am a little terrified about the prospect of this competition, but we will see how it goes.

Due to this competition this week's weekly web roundup will be canceled though =(  Sorry guys.

-  Fae

Monday, September 27, 2010

Weekly web roundup #5

: phew : sorry about the lateness (I say that a lot). I started my internship just last week and it kept me busy, plus throw in a distraction or two and I'm just a couple of days late for my roundup. Never the less here we go!

To start off we have a double pokemon fan made trailer set up. These amused me greatly, especially little bits and pieces that take information directly from the show. Both were found on Geekologie originally.

Finally a quick reminder about why Pink and the Brain was an awesome cartoon.

Sorry about the lack of content this week, but as I said, busy as hell. I only got a chance to write this while my files copied and now I have a journal to create for Avalon. I'll update soon to talk about the internship with all it's quirks and fun!

Hope your all good in internet land!

- Fae

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

People who cut in line

First of all this is not aimed at anyone in particular. I did not get cut off by some idiot on the train or get stuck in traffic because someone wanted to get there faster than me. No, this topic came about from using a random word generator to get an idea to write about.

Cutting in line is all about short term enjoyment, it's bad karma and it can ruin the day of everyone else around you. I'm sure we can all think of a time when we were stuck in traffic because there's road work ahead and they merge the two lanes ahead of where you are sitting. Being good little road workers they give you plenty of warning and so all the people wanting to not be left short have merged when the signs first appeared. However there is a group of people who want to zip down the now empty lane and merge at the last possible minute. This makes sense if you don't care to think about anyone else who is waiting behind you.

But those poor people sitting there in line, waiting patiently for their turn, they can be waiting for three to four times longer because of your blatant ignorance of the proper way to treat other people. There has been times in traffic where I have seen a group of cares not move for ten to twenty minutes because of a constant stream of idiots pushing up ahead. It just isn't on.

To a lesser degree you can see people with this mindset at any point where two lanes merge. When a new lane joins a highway and everyone is happily merging one from one lane and then one from the other. But then there is that inconsiderate moron who doesn't want to wait for that one other person to merge and jams his car ahead to make sure he gets to his destination a couple of minutes early. These people are not nice people.

These practices can be seen off the road in other places, lines at super markets (especially people who decide to take a blatant 30 items in the 12 or less lane), lines at post offices etc. These are bad practices, they are bad mojo and they leave a disdainful taste in everyone else's mouth. If you do these things please take a moment to look at how you are effecting everyone else's day and do something about it.

It's just bad karma.

Bit of a rant, but sometimes I just feel the need to blow some steam off =P Hope your all having a grand day in internet land!

- Fae

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Of transgendered and masturbation

*WARNING* Just starting off by saying that content may offend, but is more likely to weird out people who actually know me in real life. *WARNING*

You could say that going from making almost not updates to updating about masturbation is going from one extreme to another, but I have been thinking about it a lot lately (>.< thinking about masturbation a lot) and decided that it would make a good transgender update.

So I often used a particular line to convince male friends who took my leaning towards lesbianism as nothing more than male blooded women chasing. This particular line seemed to convince people quite quickly that something was wrong and there was no chance of any maleness in me. This particular line was "I don't masturbate".

That's not to say I didn't ever try, or experiment. It was not for lack of trying. It just never really did it for me.

Now I don't particularly know any other transgendered individuals, so I can't know for sure if this is a normal occurrence or not. Certain webcomics and stories online (my only source of information >.<) lead me to believe it is not. But to me it is a simple line. My genitals are not the right genitals in my minds eye. This blocks any enjoyment that I could get out of them at all, and therefore they have never led to enjoyment.

However with relationships over the years I managed to develop a way to enjoy myself without involving direct genital interaction. Also for a long period of time I had decided it would unfair to ask anyone to be in relationship with something as changing as me, so there was a long period of enforced celibacy. At the end of my celibacy I was amazed to find my entire body literally jumped at someone's touch. Basically my body was like a catfish's body if you exchange the tastebuds for.. I don't... sensitivity? Yeah that metaphor really went somewhere.

There must be some kind of merit behind this lack of masturbation in the past (and ejaculation if I want to be exact), as certain psychoanalyst (I'm referring to the big bad one that controls any further development in transgender ways) seemed to think that this was a valid reason to think about moving forward.

Hrmm >.< that was quite a personal post, I hope no one found this too full on, regardless I hope your all happy out there in internet land!

- Fae

Friday, September 17, 2010

Weekly web roundup #4

Weekly roundup 4! I surprised myself by being on time this week. On with the roundup!

This soundtrack is fantastic. There is a link on his youtube page to the mp3 of this song if you are interested enough to download it (like I was). I find it wonderful that I can recognise a decent number of the sound effects / tracks he used to make it. God 8 bit is wonderful.

This is agreed by most people to be a fake, but we can only hope it to be true. A live action gritty pokemon movie with drugs and black marketing and death and the like. Basically hardcore pokemon. How could this be anything but awesome? Seriously?


I just love how out of the blue the guy seems to appear on the right of this video. And moonwalking too? How could his entrance have been any better?

Finally Mameshiba. These videos (there is a good 20 or so) make me so happy every time I see them. For clarities sake there are a couple of toys made by Bandai for this group, but as far as I can tell they are not directly marketing anything in these videos. Never the less they are simply amazing. I love their little faces.

Oh and Mameshiba translates to "Little bean dogs" (?). If you need more information on who these Little bean dogs try Granted this won't actually give you much more information, but hey.

Hope you enjoyed this weeks roundup! Stay tuned for more regular updates =)

- Fae

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My cat has emotions?

I found it way too hard today to think of a blog topic. I have been quite sick for the last few days, my brain feels like mush and my limbs are heavy. However I didn't want to go a whole week with only the weekly web roundups, so this is my attempt to get some content out. It doesn't help that there is only thing going through my mind at the moment =P But regardless, onwards into blogging!

I have been away for the last week on and off. In my defense I usually spend at least every second night at home, but my cat seems to have noticed. As most people realise, cats tend to not really care what goes on past a little warmth, getting a pat every so often and receiving regular food. I never thought that my cat was any different to this standard stereotype. However on returning home he has proved me wrong, irritatingly.

To those that don't know about my cat (and there must be at least a few) he is black, loud and recently become a pig. He was injured a month or so back, the vet claims it was a blow to the head whether from falling from a tree or getting kicked by a pedestrian. I was told that he probably wouldn't survive this, but he slowly improved until he returned to his cat like state. However the biggest change was he was now a pig. He used to eat a single meal for breakfast and dinner, now he tends to annoy the crap out of me unless I give him at least one and a half meals every time it's feeding time.

So I get home and instantly he standing on the desk next to me meowing loudly. I let him climb on my lap and pat him happily for an hour, but that's not enough. Over the rest of the day (we are talking the next 12 hours) he follows me around, meowing for attention and just generally being needy.

Now I know my cat and he is needy, and he is loud (as has been covered). But not like this. So this leads me to the conclusion that he misses me. Now like every cat lover I may just be fooling myself into believing that my cat actual has some kind of relationship towards me other than food provider (and this is definitely helped by the fact that my cat drank my asprin water before I could use it last night), but I have a feeling he may actually like me ^^.

*Phew* Well that was a bit of effort, but hopefully if I can pull myself back into the blogging mood things will return to their natural state. Hope everything is going well for all you out in internet land!

- Fae

PS. Did I really just post a blog about my cat? Oh well, on my way to my dream of being a crazy cat lady!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Weekly web roundup #3

First off let me apologise for the lateness of this weekly roundup. Somebody distracted me, for a couple of days. Because of these being gathered over the last three weeks on and off I regret to say that I cannot credit where I found the original links. You can be assured though that it was a combination of geekologie, digg, reddit, destructoid and something awful. Regardless here we go!

It took me at least twenty seconds into this to realise that he was being so superbly sarcastic that I could barely notice. Wonderful piece =P

This one has a nightmarish element to it. I mean a carnivorous caterpillar? That's almost an oxymoron. I always love to see new things in nature that astound me and this was no different.

Ok, so people would have been hurt in this granted. And it would have been terrifying. That does not stop the fact that it is hilarious in a slap stick kind of way. I mean look at the amount of furniture that flies past the camera.

Portal 2. Co op. Robots that are best friends. How can this possibly be anything but awesome.
An oldy but a goody. This song was one of my favourites during the time I spent in school and talking to Miss Sketchy I realised not everyone will have heard it or seen the video clip. So here it is in all its glory!

Hope you all enjoyed this weeks late roundup. University starts tomorrow so hopefully I will get off my lazy ass and begin to blog properly again. Stay tuned!

- Fae

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Missing in action

I apologise for the incredibly long break in blogging. I'm going to use the excuse that it is my holidays and I have been avoiding all kind of responsibility and work. Basically the last two and a half weeks have been playing dwarf fortress, visiting Miss Sketchy (^^) and watching various TV programs. So I'm going to place the blame on a particular individual who has been distracting me (You know who you are).

So instead of a nice post about a topic in particular I am going to use this space to cover what has happened other than that in the last two+ weeks. Those bead art things I made a month or so back? I have a decent collection now sitting at almost 30 sprites, 20 of them made into hair clips and one turned into a brooch. My goal with these is to never let anyone see the same hair clip twice (bar certain exceptions like room-mates or someone I see way too often to be able to keep up). These will get saved up and next year when the anime convention comes through time I will be selling these and some simple badge art to the nerds of Brisbane. That should go well.

Work on the game project (Avalon:The Fallen) has not gone ahead as planned. Scratch that, no work has gone ahead as planned. I have been terrified of doing something completely outside my scope (game textures) and so I have been putting it off. However yesterday I did a good four hours work on them and tomorrow I intend to finish the work that I was meant to do over three weeks. : shrug : . I'm ahead anyway it's no problem.

My big project I was meant to do over the holiday? It didn't happen. Turns out when I no longer have a reason to go to uni or do uni work I just stop doing all things that may be considered responsible. I must watch this in the future or I will be absolutely screwed when I go freelance.

So that's a quick rap up on how the holidays has been. Hopefully I will get back in the swing of things as it's less than a week until I'm back at uni. That kick start should get me back to doing my actual work. We can only hope.

Hope everything is pleasant for you in internet land!

- Fae

(PS. A lot of lack of posting has been to do with not having a computer, but I have had it for over a week so that excuse can only be taken so far).