Thursday, September 30, 2010

What?! Two posts in a day?

As promised here's some nice shots of the place I am internshiping at.  Ok I lied they aren't nice, I in fact took them using the 1.3 mp web cam on my laptop

This is what the building looks like from the outside.  I know, pretty damn sweet.  The cars serve as a good reference to how god damn tall those front doors are.

This is the view in from the front doors to the art space that they always have open.  At the moment it's some artist who plays around with aerial shots.

When those big double doors are not open this is the way you get in, a tiny tiny door at the front.

Here is the rear of that door with a fire hydrant for size reference.  You may not be able to see but there medieval brackets for a large wooden beam to rest on to lock the doors at night.

Just a quick shot of the art room.

The work area upstairs! Those macs you can see might as well be from the pre war era.  They are so old

This last shot is so you can see those kick ass chains hanging from the wall in the background.  They hang off the beam on the ceiling and I assume they were used for hauling heavy things around the substation.

See I told you I would post pictures =P

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