Sunday, September 19, 2010

Of transgendered and masturbation

*WARNING* Just starting off by saying that content may offend, but is more likely to weird out people who actually know me in real life. *WARNING*

You could say that going from making almost not updates to updating about masturbation is going from one extreme to another, but I have been thinking about it a lot lately (>.< thinking about masturbation a lot) and decided that it would make a good transgender update.

So I often used a particular line to convince male friends who took my leaning towards lesbianism as nothing more than male blooded women chasing. This particular line seemed to convince people quite quickly that something was wrong and there was no chance of any maleness in me. This particular line was "I don't masturbate".

That's not to say I didn't ever try, or experiment. It was not for lack of trying. It just never really did it for me.

Now I don't particularly know any other transgendered individuals, so I can't know for sure if this is a normal occurrence or not. Certain webcomics and stories online (my only source of information >.<) lead me to believe it is not. But to me it is a simple line. My genitals are not the right genitals in my minds eye. This blocks any enjoyment that I could get out of them at all, and therefore they have never led to enjoyment.

However with relationships over the years I managed to develop a way to enjoy myself without involving direct genital interaction. Also for a long period of time I had decided it would unfair to ask anyone to be in relationship with something as changing as me, so there was a long period of enforced celibacy. At the end of my celibacy I was amazed to find my entire body literally jumped at someone's touch. Basically my body was like a catfish's body if you exchange the tastebuds for.. I don't... sensitivity? Yeah that metaphor really went somewhere.

There must be some kind of merit behind this lack of masturbation in the past (and ejaculation if I want to be exact), as certain psychoanalyst (I'm referring to the big bad one that controls any further development in transgender ways) seemed to think that this was a valid reason to think about moving forward.

Hrmm >.< that was quite a personal post, I hope no one found this too full on, regardless I hope your all happy out there in internet land!

- Fae

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