I was talking with my room-mate today over lunch as she had seen a lecture called "Randy Pausch, the last lecture: Achieving your childhood dreams"
. She spoke of this lecture fondly talking about how the man taking the lecture talked at length about how he worked to achieve the dreams he had since he was a child and it got me thinking about my dreams. Lately I have been all about not wimping out of things like this, so I'd like to take today to talk about what exactly I want to achieve in life, from easy to hard. Here we go!
1. Successfully run a freelance business for web design:
This one I'd say is the easiest of all the dreams I have. In fact I would say that this one is guaranteed within the next decade without a problem. Still, it's important that I get a chance to do this. I'd really like to use this business to make things for some local art projects, perhaps run the page for a small theater company of something similar.
2. Make a website without any external resources
Simple enough! This means I don't want to have to refer to tutorials, I want to make all the pictures by myself and write every single word of content. This will only solidify my strength with multimedia design.
3.Teach or inspire a group or individual
Simple enough! I want to teach at one point =) this is also a fallback point for failure or boredom with working in multimedia (Those that can't do, teach).
4. Search for an endangered or thought extinct creature.
At the moment the creature in question would be the Quetzalcoatl bird of south America. It's almost a cryptid with how it has not been seen. Other possibilities involve a couple of rare birds from New Zealand that are basically extinct and to a lesser degree visiting the Galapagos. The animal/s I attempt to find will basically be dependent on the year that I do this plan! Note, what I'm after has to be outside Australia. I don't want to take a tour bus to the outbank and look around, I want to trek through jungles! I want to wear a safari outfit!
5.Write a book.
Straight forward goal! The topic is irrelevant! It could be a book on modern webdesign and themes involved in todays decade or it could be a self help book! Who knows?! (obviously not me). For clarification I would like to write a book that gets published, simply outputting a book worth of writing is not enough for this goal =)
6. Create art
I want to be able to create something that is considered art! However due to my inability to enjoy my own work the exact way that this goal must be satisfied is my own satisfaction with this art.
7. Either become the best in the world (or at least in the top three, we'r talking medal winning position) at something or write an entry in the encyclopedia.
Simple enough, the first thing that comes to mind with the best in the world half is becoming one of the world experts in something. This may coincide with the searching goal if I manage to discover something that has not been seen in decades and get a picture / description but who knows! All I know is that it will happen.
There we go! That's my life goals!
Interesting enough none of these goals are childhood goals, to be honest I never had any childhood goals that I haven't already achieved. I guess my childhood must have been simple because I have:
-Traveled extensively
-Learnt to make internet pages
-Built my own computer
-Learnt to drive
-Learnt to ski double black diamonds
-Can play music
Oh well! Just means I had a chance to set more goals =)
So what about all you out in internet land? Do you have life goals? Have you written them down so you can't back out? These things are important! Live your life to the fullest =)
- Fae