The day after posting that I would be focused on doing work for uni and how busy I was I went and did something awesome and completely unrelated to uni. Sorry about not posting it straight away, but at least it makes a good Saturday evening reading!
On Thursday I went over to Liz of Little Farm In The Suburbs's house as I had not seen her in ages. I was very surprised to find out that she had a project planned for the day!
We were going to go seed bombing.
Now seed bombing is an activity where you wrap up seeds and compost, protect them in a un-fired clay layer and then spread them out throughout the neighbourhood. The clay protects the seeds as they begin to sprout and when the environment / seeds inside break through the clay layer the plant has a little base to grow on. The most common way this takes place is with wild flowers on urban desolation. Things like old abandoned lots in concrete jungle areas.
But Liz had other ideas (which I fully agreed with). She wanted to bomb Brisbane with Catnip, as the cats themselves don't have the ability to plant it. I thought this was wonderful and promptly agreed.
So the ussual way you go about this is 5 parts clay / 1 part compost (or fertiliser) / 1 part seeds. Now I don't know even anyone out there in internet land has ever seen catnip seeds, but they are small, minuscule, just generally tiny. So the ratio was off, even though in each 6 gram ball we made were 40 seeds on average. But we didn't have any clay so an adventure ensued!
Three or so gardening shops later we were told we had no chance in finding clay (the clay I noticed in other instructions was a dried powder and I assumed it was used in gardening). Some of the people we asked for help from were flummoxed by our need for clay, and we ended up in Spotlight.
Spotlight is a dangerous place for me, and after purchasing beads which I didn't need we managed to escape with clay.
After a short crafting experiment at Liz's place we had 100 seed bombs ready to spread!
Me, looking like an idiot.
I left with 50 seeds bombs in my pocket which are now growing throughout south east inner Brisbane (mainly Stones Corner / Norman Park / Cooparoo / Morningside). So cats of Brisbane rejoice!
- Fae
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