Thursday, March 3, 2011

Why are real estate agents so hard to deal with?

So first thing first while I remember, I started a new deviantArt account today (as my old account was more embarrassing than my still existing collection of Polly Pocket toys). You can find a link to it here

I most likely will still spout nonsense about work I have done recently on this blog, but the pictures are more likely to end up on DA than here. Just a heads up.

But onto what I meant to talk about today, real estate agents.

Why are real estate agents so hard to deal with? I mean in todays modern world it is a lot easier to look into a new place to live than it ever has been at all. With the many many websites dedicated to showing off all the possible locations around your local city finding somewhere you like is never a bother at all. In fact, it is kind of fun until you get to the next part.

So you have found a selection of houses, maybe as many as a dozen that you would really like to live in. So you take the next step and you contact all of the agents in control. You follow the contact option given on the page (an automatic email most of the time) and provide all the information that you need in order for them to contact you back. You sit there, and you wait...

Who knows when they may actually contact you? Could be days, could be weeks. Very very occasionally you may get the mythical email telling you about the time of an inspection. More likely is the chance you find that the website gets updated to list a public inspection time. Regardless of which way this happens you get a chance to inspect the place! Huzzah!

You arrive at the house, early of course just in case. Guess what? The agent is not there, they could be five minutes, ten minutes or half an hour away. They may not even turn up at all, it's really up to them. But say they do turn up at all, and you get to inspect the house, and you like what you see, you get a chance to get an application.

The application itself will ask for more ID than getting a drivers license or applying for a passport. They will want to know when you work, where you work and for how much. Where you have lived in the past, what kind of clothing style you like and if you would rather a carbonara or spaghetti bolognese.

You manage to get all this data for them, submit it and be really hopeful for your prospects, but you shouldn't be. Your chance of getting your application approved is the same chance that a fish that has jumped out of it's tank of evolving lungs before it passes on.

And if you fail at your application do you think they will tell you? No of course not! In fact they will never ever send you any kind of recognition about you submitting anything. It's like trying to pick up a golden needle in a pitch black room of silver needles. Even when you think it's all done you have never chance of knowing if you were successful.

In a way, submitting a rent proposal can be as bad as submitting a job application. Damn you world!

- Fae

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